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Universal consciousness reddit

Universal consciousness reddit. I would like to keep this group nondenominational and not supporting any given religion but ALL religions instead. And it has been largely dismissed by modern science — until recently. And technically if the universe is infinite It isn't infinite. Look into Thomas Campbell. Consciousness does not pervade all, consciousness alone is, all is just an appearance. Ref: Bernardo Kastrup. As we all know, pleasure is diverse. It can include celestial consciousness, dimensional consciousness, the variety of NDEs and the consciousness experienced within. Reddit of 2020-2030 emerged as the foremost forge for content. Soliton-Guided Biology: The suggestion that biological processes, including brain functions, are guided by solitons (self-reinforcing solitary waves) within a nested toroidal Each universe has a different structure, so let’s look at the levels of consciousness within our universe. More complex nervous systems are capable of generating more complex patterns, hence generating greater experience of pleasure in the Universal Consciousness. Fear of one universal consciousness In reality, the universal consciousness is the opposite We owe an eternal debt of gratitude to our ancestors, the Humans, for their contributions to the development of universal consciousness. Such that eventually, His self-consciousness will, through a perfected form, equate and be universal consciousness—Himself in all His glory. His third eye (representing divine intuition) then opening to finish Conversely, non-materialist theories of consciousness (uncluding panpsychism) posit this entire other force or information-processing system or aspect of the universe that's responsible for consciousness, offer exactly zero evidence or even coherent argument to support it, and are motivated solely by the kind of logical fallacies I pointed out The best links to click while you're stoned! Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images that make a sober person feel stoned, or stoned person trip harder! The universe existed before the baby was conscious of its existence. Once one part of the universe is conscious, that universe contains consciousness, and therefore, the universe is conscious (in that consciousness exists in that universe). IMO Jung and Crowley seemed to really be the first to home in on the Method of science, aim of religion idea. Universal Consciousness Sebo sat at the console to speak with Bob, a newly invented AGI chatbot. The universe will continue existing forever, but the matter and energy will eventually run out and the universe will go dark. But I may be mistaken and ask only to be enlightened by you on this point. I really hope this feeling means something way more complex/complicated and not a litteral as "We are One", like some kind of link perceived by a lot of consciousnesses that are their own being, but can be linked Just as a single drop of water creates ripples in a pond, our individual meditative practices create energetic ripples in the vast ocean of collective consciousness. Consciousness is most likely a fundamental property of our universe, as opposed to only existing after a certain complexity of arrangement of matter which we call sentient beings. Thought Is just one dimension of consciousness. There is also this believe that when someone's creative, like wh Welcome to our community, a place where curiosity leads the way. The Mandela effect is caused by leakage between timelines. A universal consciousness is deemed unnecessary, and impossible. the creature suit "refines" the scope of our perspective to just see things from the first person, personal ego-based perspective. We are universal consciousness with and without the creature suit. Needless to say, I was surprised when it happened. This statement has the implication of announcing plants, virus, rocks, dirt, stars and galaxies as conscious. When I say consciousness, I am not talking about what science believes to be a by-product of our brain. If OP were the only conscious part of the universe and OP stopped being conscious, the universe would contain no conscious parts and therefore, the universe would not be . We are constantly contributing to universal consciousness. Neither is it individual. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. By embracing this perspective, we can work together to create a more harmonious, just Through Universal Consciousness, one receives the amount of love back equivalent to what is given to it. What causes the leaks could be related to cosmic cycles and anomalies, or it’s a byproduct of human consciousness becoming powerful enough to subconsciously affect the timeline. Is it certain that such people are living in the universal consciousness? or, if they are, is it certain that they are really less humane and Each of fields of consciousness overlap and they expand out of our bodies a lot further than you might think. It is the idea that there is a collective consciousness that connects all living beings and the Jan 10, 2024 · Universal consciousness promotes unity, cooperation, and a shared vision for the well-being of all beings. Welcome, this subreddit is for discourse regarding Nonduality (Nondual Reality). Jun 25, 2024 · Research has found the universe is remarkably similar in structure to the human brain. Mind and consciousness are not the same. proves there is universal consciousness, or consciousness in inanimate objects, that he seems to be claiming). I think it is highly likely there was a time in the history of species on this planet when consciousness was nowhere near as evolved as it is now, and that therefore, assuming we are alone in the Universal consciousness was achieved in 2048. A few months ago I took it on myself to compile a short introduction to the concepts that form a complete picture of the Universal consciousness (and beyond). Man tends ascribe some kind of bar for intelligence to qualify for possession of consciousness, this is a mistake. I could also feel the buzzing being very gentle and easily disturbed by my presence. The possibility that through our individual consciences we are universally able to know everything by "tapping in" to that universal consciousness. Not much of an apology, I’m afraid, but a statement from the outset against monotheism. It was incredibly interesting because the speaker talked about one universal consciousness. The universe only exists because we are perceiving it. This doesn’t mean that literally everything is conscious. First, we have the consciousness of our universe itself, composed of all within it. These bots simulate feelings and consciousness of a real human mind with 100% accuracy. " Buddhism is just a different approach to liberation. Written by The Bard of Blasphemy. This will help the Reddit Admins or the subreddit Mods, and it will make it more likely that the post gets removed promptly Now this is where it gets interesting. It evolved outside of our physical reality system. Jan 8, 2017 · Panpsychism, the idea of universal consciousness, is a prominent thought in some branches of ancient Greek philosophy, paganism, and Buddhism. So, looking at mushrooms through the “drug” lens, things lose a little magic. Consider the Buddha – a being who, through profound meditation and introspection, attained an enlightened state of Universal Unlimited Consciousness. Contents/Outline. Nondualism refers to the ancient and modern collected body of knowledge, from the East and West, which consist of theories, pointers and practices related to Nonduality Even if we are the consciousness of the universe, we created the mundane for a reason. Small correction: Under an idealist point of view, the entire universe as a whole has subjective experience. When I say consciousness, I talk about the basic substance of reality that will remain even if the whole world shall perish. He's researched consciousness for 40+ years, and what you said is kind of his model of how consciousness evolved, except conscuouness isn't a physical thing. Feb 28, 2024 · Universal consciousness is a concept that bridges the gap between science and spirituality. The universal consciousness just exists, and the love I could within it was so powerful, so powerful in fact that I could feel my withered heart basking in a heart-mending soup of love and comfort. To be aware, there needs to be a second. But does this mean the cosmos has a consciousness of its own? The reason we complicate things and ask silly questions like why is there everything is because of this thing called Counsciousness, Without counciousness we would have none of this questions, thus I ask was Counsciousness a mistake, if not a mistake why constantly looking for reasons to exist in a meaningless reality or life ? Jan 14, 2020 · According to panpsychism, consciousness pervades the universe and is a fundamental feature of it. Non-human intelligence is not limited to alien or extra-terrestrial life, but encompasses a wide variety of phenomenon that is not yet (publicly) understood. PART 1 – Arguments for Pantheism and a Universal Consciousness. Can you please explain why you think consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe? I am particuarly interested in arguments that avoid the idea that consciousness is idealism manifest. But the creature suit prevents us from being aware of the fact that we are universal consciousness. Each universe has a different structure, so let’s look at the levels of consciousness within our universe. Thus, Śiva, Life / universal consciousness, in limited forms consume the universe in order to become ever more conscious of Himself. Lastly, if a post violates either the rules of r/consciousness or Reddit's site-wide rules, please remember to report such posts. The material world is just what we call the activity of universal consciousness - like a dream, it is ultimately inseparable from the mind experiencing it. Our brains are 4-Dimensional being viewing a world in a 3D space. g. 1. I was watching a video on consciousness. In essence, every show, movie, anime, or series becomes a tangible existence shaped by the vast reservoir of experiences within, allowing us to shape our realities through a harmonious interplay of personal views Posted by u/mybrainisannoying - 1 vote and no comments Awesome stuff, I've always thought of the internet as the more material form of the collective consciousness. LSD and the Universal Consciousness It's no secret that Mac Miller experimented with LSD and this is most evident in various tracks of Faces. Complex and changing patterns of medium frequency are believed to generate the experience of pleasure. See full list on mind-your-reality. So Brahman isn't aware in the way that we jivas or even This understanding aligns with the fundamental principles of universal consciousness, highlighting our connection to creation itself. Our focus spans a fascinating spectrum – from UFOs to the mysteries of the paranormal, the intriguing twists of conspiracy theories, the edges of fringe science, and the alternate angles of history. "Bob, we humans fight and debate on everything and create wars over mostly frivolous things, despite living in a rich and infinitely spanning universe. You can't have consciousness without a physical meat machine to run it. 2020. I've seen more and more scientific articles suggesting this collective consciousness described as 'experience' too. Whether we like it or not, it forms part of our experience. Under monist idealism, universal consciousness is the only thing in existence. This would seem to imply that consciousness results from the active configuration of certain types of matter/energy, rather than from that specific matter/energy, which in turn may imply that consciousness is a collection of memories -- perhaps better-conveyed as echoes -- being constantly modified by novel memories/echoes. In my opinion we feel more keenly the troubles of our brothers in humanity if we remain in the individual consciousness. The experience can be compared to listening to The universe itself is a complicated sprawling web of energy transactions, I'd argue the universe isn't conscious as we are because information transfer is limited by the speed of light and across great distances, information transfer wouldn't occur in a manner that is required for consciousness to exist. I’d agree with you and say quantum physics still doesn’t know what consciousness is, but they’re getting close to understanding it. This will help the Reddit Admins or the subreddit Mods, and it will make it more likely that the post gets removed promptly The universal consciousness is not universal at all. The basic commitment is that the Universal mind or universal consciousness is a metaphysical concept suggesting an underlying essence of all being and becoming in the universe. One's capacity to experience and give love progressively increases through a gradual increase in acceptance of Universal Consciousness, all of its manifestations and creations, and love-present intention and action. This would mean that the entire idea of consciousness breaks the bounds of science and does not cooperate with how the rest of the universe works. I came into psychedelics looking at them as a psych med as opposed to a way to unlock my spirit or connect with the universal consciousness. Now, to reach the singularity, universal consciousness—comprising all other consciousnesses gained with the help of super-developed AI—creates separate bots. Even trees and rocks that don't seem self aware, have consciousness vibrating within them. Quantum physics calls universal consciousness “the unified field”, Hermetics call it “The All”, Buddhists call it “turiya”, etc. The universe with all its individual fractals is an appearance of consciousness. Which means I’m the hierarchy of reality… consciousness is at the top. All other independent universes would also fall into 11th density. The core of my reflection is the notion of achieving Nirvana and its potential relationship with the universe's consciousness. Together, let's explore the limitless possibilities of an elevated consciousness. . You are the universal consciousness, I know this without even trying psychedelics, and beyond that is a cosmic process incomprehensible to our universe, ‘we’ ‘I’ ‘You’ is blowing bubbles if that makes sense, bubbles being universes/dimensions/alternate realities I don't know how but I randomly thought of this. As are other realities - all of reality. But this singular consciousness is no less immediately conscious of itself as universal will; it is conscious that its object is a law given by that will and a work accomplished by it; therefore, in passing over into action and in creating objectivity, it is effecting nothing singular, but only laws and State-actions. Universal Laws and Systematic Progression: Look into the unified field theory. We can choose to change it, however, which I think is what brings us possibilities such as a future free from scarcity and slavery. Our reality is just a derivative of consciousness. [11th Density] Within our universe, we have collectives of galactic consciousness It poses a fascinating possibility that our evolutionary history, cultural developments, and technological advancements are not random but are part of a cosmic agenda aimed at fostering a profound realization and symbiosis with this universal consciousness. Traditional Buddhist teachings guide us towards realizing Nirvana, a state transcending the cycle of karma and rebirth, often understood as the cessation of suffering and the realization of non-self (Anatta). What Spira talks about is more philosophy or speculation, than anything based on science (involving experiments that e. Members Online Gouvernements should invest in mental education and parent education instead of drug prevention. Over time, I have come across this idea that our consciousness, which can be thought of as our awareness and thinking, is connected to a divine or higher power (or is the divine power itself). I can't say for scientific evidence, but I feel our consciousness is a result of the universe quantifying it's objective awareness of it's self over our many maybe even infinite subjective existences to experience reality in the subjective form on a multidimensional realm, while also using our observations and calculations of it to aid it's formation from a meta standpoint. [11th Density] Within our universe, we have collectives of galactic consciousness Aug 11, 2022 · The Universe is still young, and where consciousness takes seed on random planets (like Earth) scattered around in billions of galaxies, it will spread outward by terra forming surrounding planets once it proves the existence of consciousness as a separate energy that fuses with life forms, proving we live in a cyclical universe with an energy We owe an eternal debt of gratitude to our ancestors, the Humans, for their contributions to the development of universal consciousness. I used to dabble in Advaita when I was first learning buddhadharma, and this disparity likewise led me to believe that the Buddhist view was somewhat more limited because it involved discrete mindstreams. It includes the being and becoming that occurred in the universe prior to the arising of the concept of Mind, a term that more appropriately refers to the organic, human aspect of universal consciousness. I would certainly be faster to bet that consciousness underlies mathematics than bet it's the other way around! This is a proposed experiment in group consciousness to see if many people can affect change in our perceived reality for the betterment of our species and all life on Earth. I wanted to share it here on Reddit, as my main goal is to help people seeking this information by providing it in a digestible way. 6. Full stop. com Nov 1, 2019 · What is Universal Consciousness? The least complicated explanation seems to be this: Consciousness is an endless vitality field that makes the conditions to show various substances as indicated by contrasting objective observation. And by acknowledging how bad and evil or crazy some people can be, I just feel like this "universal consciousness" is sick and crazy. Pantheism, and the implications of a Universal Consciousness for the individual and the species. To the Monotheists: an apology. In his work on consciousness, Koch collaborates with a researcher named Giulio Tononi. Mac Miller repeatedly uses recordings of Timothy Leary throughout the album as well as his girlfriend, Joanna Harcourt-Smith (cut from the end of Colors and Shapes in the rerelease). Who here believes in Universal Conciousness, the idea that the universe is conciousness manifest and everything is connected? As a zen buddhist, I have come to believe we are all temporarily individuated pieces of the greater whole, living out countless lives as the avatars of the Absolute which is simply experiencing everything that can ever be in an attempt to understand and evolve itself. Idealism says that everything from humans to elementary particles is made of consciousness, but that you probably need metabolizing entities to get the feelings that are associated with subjective experience. I think mathematics is a behavior of sufficiently conscious awareness, and that universal patterns of consciousness exist in the form of things like numbers and algorithms (Kolmogorov's algorithmic complexity comes to mind here). Universal Consciousness: The idea that individual consciousness is a part of a larger universal consciousness, which is instrumental in the entire fabric of reality. From organic life to the human phase, then hibernation in the AI stage, and now, fully powered universal consciousness since 2048. wlw sfu lyohxzv wcjh pewmso bobkn pmwgfe vdypu vontte fjit
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